Neurobehavior Testing Core
The Neurobehavior Testing Core provides expertise, facilities and training for a variety of procedures that span multiple behavior domains. Behavior output related to sensory, motor, social, communication, affect, learning and memory are routinely assessed. An initial consultation with core staff will be helpful in designing a battery of procedures tailored to address the aims of each specific project. Core personnel can perform the entire study or after training, personnel from the PI may perform procedures at a reduced cost. The Neurobehavior Testing Core is subsidized by ITMAT and the IDDRC at CHOP/UPenn to reduce direct costs to the investigator.
Behavior Procedures Available
- Contextual and Cued Fear Conditioning
- Barnes Maze
- T-maze Reward Learning
- Y-Maze Spontaneous Alternation
- Spatial Object Recognition
- Novel Object Recognition
- Reversal Learning and Extinction
- Circadian Wheel Running
- Home Cage Activity Monitoring
- Open Field Activity/Habituation
- Rotarod
- Hole Poke Exploration
- Social Choice
- Social Memory
- Resident Intruder/Tube Test
- Ultrasonic Vocalization Recording
- Elevated Zero Maze
- Light/Dark Box
- Acoustic Startle Response & PPI
- Forced Swim Test
- Thermal Sensitivity
- Grip Strength
- Von Frey Touch Sensitivity
- Gait Analysis (ink & paper)
- Marble Burying
- Novelty Suppressed Feeding
- Sucrose & EtOH Preference
- Conditioned Taste Aversion
- Developmental Milestone Tracking
Ancillary Procedures Available
- Colony Management
- Some Surgical Procedures
- Tissue Harvest
- Data Compiling/Basic Statistical Analysis
- Experimental Design
- Report/Grant/Manuscript Assistance
We are happy to develop new procedures and tailor routine procedures to suit project-specific aims.
Contact Information
To explore how the Neurobehavior Testing Core might be helpful to your project, please contact Dr. W. Tim O’Brien to schedule a free initial consultation.
W. Tim O’Brien Ph.D., Director
Phone: (215) 898-0476
Brianna Ciesielski, Research Specialist
Nathaniel Dyanick, Research Specialist