Course Development Process for Faculty
On this page, learn about the process for developing a new course for ITMAT Education programs alongside program staff.
Best Practices & Technology Resources for Faculty
On this page, find our best tips & tricks for running ITMAT Education courses, especially online courses. This page includes resources and video guides for Zoom and Canvas, tips and best practices for running synchronous and asynchronous sessions, and guides for making your content and online courses smooth, accessible, interactive, and inclusive. It also outlines some options for innovative and interactive course features.
Accessibility Checklist
Accessibility is the practice of making sure course materials and activities can be used and completed by all students, including students with disabilities, students who speak English as a second language, neurodivergent students, and students with varied learning preferences. The checklist features levels so that you can focus on making your content accessible one step at a time, often with very easy tweaks or thoughtful considerations for before you start creating content and instructional materials.